LIANHE WANBAO: 打肉毒杆菌治多汗症會有副作用

DXD: The Ultimate Guide to Pneumothorax in Singapore (2020)


All You Need To Know About Lung Cancer

Just like other types of cancer, lung cancer is also a condition in which cells inside the lungs grow uncontrollably causing the growth of tumors that reduces the breathing ability of the individual. Many cancer research institutes in Singapore as well as abroad have stated that the cases of lung cancer are increasing with every passing year. They have also mentioned that lung cancer screening in Singapore can help a cancer patient to seek treatment but identification of this disease in its earliest stages is quite difficult. This is because the symptoms of lung cancer may be similar to respiratory infection or in some cases, there are no symptoms at all. In this blog, we have explained lung cancer in detail, its types, and how to recognize its symptoms. We have also discussed potential treatments available for lung cancer and how Dr Aneez can help you with this.  

What is Lung Cancer?

Cancer causes specific changes in healthy cells. The healthy cells in our body are programmed to die after a certain stage in their life cycle. This is essential to prevent overgrowth. In cancer, this instruction is overridden as a result of which cells grow and multiply uncontrollably when they should not. This overgrowth of cells leads to tumor and cancer.

In lung cancer, this pattern of overgrowth of cells occurs in the lungs causing improper functioning of the lungs. Lung cancers can happen in any part of the lung, but 90%-95% of cancers of the lung arise from the epithelial cells, which form the lining of the larger and smaller airways i.e. bronchi and bronchioles. That’s why lung cancers are sometimes called bronchogenic carcinomas or bronchogenic cancers. Cancer in the lungs can also arise from the pleura also known as mesotheliomas or rarely from supporting tissues within the lungs such as blood vessels. Lung cancer may spread to lymph nodes or other organs in the body, such as blood or the brain. Conversely, cancer from other parts of the body may also spread to the lungs. When cancer cells spread from one part of the body to another, they are described as metastases.

Several studies on lung cancer screening in Singapore have made surgeons and physicians categorize lung cancers into two main types – small cell and non-small cell.

These types of lung cancer grow in a different way and are also treated differently. Non-small cell lung cancer is a more common type of lung cancer than small cell lung cancer. In some rare cases, lung cancer tumors contain both NSCLC and SCLC cells.

How Common Is Lung Cancer In Singapore?

Lung cancer is the 2nd and 3rd most common cancer in males and females in Singapore respectively. It has been found that 14.5% of all cancer numbers in men were lung cancer cases. For women, this figure is 7.6%. In the meantime, being the leading cause of cancer deaths in Singapore, lung cancer accounted for 26.6% of deaths in males and 16.1% in females.

Studies also show that small cell lung cancer (SCLC) makes up about 10 – 15% of all lung cancer cases.  It is exclusively associated with cigarette smoking and an aggressive type of cancer that quickly grows and spreads to other parts of the body.  Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is not as aggressive as SCLC but it is more common. It tends to grow and spread less rapidly as compared to SCLC. About 85% to 90% of lung cancers are non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC).

What Are the Risk Factors for Lung Cancer?

It has been found in different research studies that several risk factors may increase your chances of getting lung cancer. These include:

SMOKING: Cigarette smoking is the top risk factor for lung cancer. In Singapore, cigarette smoking is associated with about 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths. This figure also includes the use of other tobacco products such as pipes or cigars which further increases the risk for lung cancer. Those who use tobacco smoke should be aware of the fact that it is a toxic mix of more than 7,000 chemicals and most of them are poisons. However, 70 of them are known to cause cancer.

Research has also concluded that people who smoke cigarettes are 15 to 30 times more likely to get lung cancer as compared to those who do not smoke. No matter you smoke a few cigarettes a day or smoke occasionally, in both situations, you are at high risk of getting lung cancer. The more cigarettes a person smoke per day, the more risk goes up.

People who quit smoking, their chances of meeting with lung cancer is also reduced than if they had continued to smoke.

Cancer caused due to Cigarette smoking can occur in almost any part of the body such as the mouth and throat, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, colon, rectum, liver, voicebox (larynx), trachea, bronchus, urinary bladder, and cervix, kidney, and renal pelvis, and causes acute myeloid leukemia.

SECONDHAND SMOKE: Smoke from other people’s cigarettes, pipes, or cigars is known as secondhand smoke which can also cause lung cancer. Secondhand smoke and the harmful chemicals present in it can cause sudden infant death syndrome, ear infections, respiratory infections, and asthma attacks in infants and children. Secondhand smoke is also known to cause heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer in adult nonsmokers.

RADON: It is a naturally occurring gas that originates from rocks and dirt. It gets trapped in houses and buildings and cannot be seen, smelled, or tasted.

OTHER SUBSTANCES: Some of the other potential substances resent at some workplace and increase the risk of lung cancer are asbestos, diesel exhaust, arsenic, and some forms of silica and chromium. Many of these substances have a higher risk of getting lung cancer which is even higher for those who smoke.

FAMILY HISTORY OF LUNG CANCER: Those who have successfully survived lung cancer are at high risk of developing other types of lung cancer again, especially if they smoke. If your parents, brother or sister, or children have had lung cancer, then you are at high risk of developing this disease.

RADIATION THERAPY TO THE CHEST: Those who have survived from cancer and had gone through radiation therapy to the chest, such people are at higher risk of lung cancer.

DIET: Studies are still going on many different foods and dietary supplements to see whether or not they contribute to causing lung cancer in any way (directly or indirectly). There is much we still need to know. It has been found that smokers who consume beta-carotene supplements have a high risk of lung cancer.

What Are The Symptoms Of Lung Cancer?

There are no signs or symptoms in the early stages. Symptoms of lung cancer develop as the condition progresses. When lung cancer starts showing signs in its early stages, these may vary from person to person which include:

When it spreads and reached its advanced stages, it may cause:

If you experience any of the above-mentioned symptoms, don’t hesitate to go to a cardiothoracic surgeon in Singapore for lung cancer screening. It will clear all your doubts regarding lung cancer.

Robot-Assisted Thoracic Surgery As A Treatment For Lung Cancer

We suggest robot-assisted thoracic surgery as a substitute for traditional surgery which requires a large open incision, breaking and spreading the chest, and Laparoscopy which is again a minimally invasive surgery in which a small incision is made to perform some procedures. Robotic surgery is one of the most effective and least invasive surgical treatments available today.

Benefits of robotic surgery comprise of:

Dr Aneez D.B Ahmed is currently the Director & Senior Consultant Surgeon at International Centre for Thoracic Surgery in Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre, Singapore. He has been a practitioner in the field of thoracic surgery for more than 15 years. His specialization is in thoracic oncology as he has served as the Head of Service of Thoracic Surgery in the Department of General Surgery in Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH), Singapore. His interest in robotic surgery led him to be recognized as the first in the ASEAN cohort to get Level III Certificate Specialist training in Robotic Thoracic Surgery from the European College of Cardiothoracic Surgery (EACTS).

5 Tip untuk Menurunkan Tingkat Risiko Kanker Paru-Paru | #LungCancerAwarenessMonth

Tahukah Anda bahwa putih adalah warna pita kesadaran kanker paru-paru (Lung Cancer Awareness)? Warna ini sebagai simbol dari karakteristik kanker paru-paru itu sendiri karena gejalanya seringkali tidak disadari.

November ini, dalam rangka bulan kesadaran kanker paru-paru, kami sajikan 5 tip yang bisa Anda dan keluarga terapkan untuk menurunkan risiko kanker paru-paru.

Mengidap kanker paru-paru: Seberapa besar kemungkinan saya berisiko mengidap kanker paru-paru?

Paparan asap tembakau adalah penyebab nomor #1 terjadinya kanker paru-paru. Semakin banyak rokok yang Anda hisap dan semakin lama Anda merokok, risiko terkena penyakit kanker paru-paru akan meningkat secara signifikan. Bahkan, dengan terpapar asap rokok (perokok pasif) pun dapat meningkatkan peluang Anda terkena kanker paru-paru. Meskipun ada orang yang tidak pernah merokok seumur hidup mereka, mereka tetap berisiko terkena kanker paru-paru, meskipun kemungkinannya lebih kecil dibandingkan perokok aktif maupun mantan perokok.

Bekerja di industri yang berhubungan dengan bahan kimia dan produk sampingannya, seperti misalnya pembuatan kapal, cat semprot, dan yang berhubungan dengan asbes, dapat meningkatkan risiko terkena kanker paru-paru. Obesitas juga berkaitan erat dengan tidak hanya kanker paru-paru, tetapi juga beberapa kanker lainnya karena lemak tubuh berlebih dapat meningkatkan kemungkinan untuk terkena kanker.

Apa saja langkah untuk menurunkan risiko terkena kanker paru-paru?

Ada beberapa langkah dan tip yang bisa Anda ikuti untuk menurunkan risiko kanker paru-paru. Kami telah mengumpulkan 5 tip yang dapat membantu mengurangi risiko Anda.

5 Tips to Lower the Risk of Lung Cancer

1. Jangan Merokok

Jika Anda adalah perokok aktif, usaha paling penting untuk Anda lakukan adalah berhenti merokok.

Keputusan untuk berhenti merokok, meskipun Anda sudah merokok selama bertahun-tahun atau bahkan puluhan tahun, masih menjadi cara terbaik untuk mencegah kanker paru-paru. Tembakau mengandung berbagai zat beracun seperti Nikotin (zat adiktif yang termasuk salah satu kandungan bahan kimia paling berbahaya dalam asap rokok), Hidrogen Sianida, Formaldehida, Timbal, Arsenik, Amonia, dan Benzena. Zat-zat ini tidak hanya dapat meningkatkan risiko kanker paru-paru, tetapi juga meningkatkan kemungkinan terkena penyakit pernapasan lainnya.

Dengan memilih untuk berhenti merokok sekarang, terlepas dari berapa lama dan berapa banyak Anda sudah merokok, risiko kanker paru-paru akan terus menurun seiring Anda bebas rokok setiap tahunnya. Penting juga bagi para perokok pasif untuk menghindari menghirup asap rokok. Beberapa tindakan yang dapat Anda lakukan adalah mencari area bebas asap rokok, seperti restoran, hotel, dan lain-lain. Mintalah keluarga dan teman Anda untuk tidak merokok di sekitar Anda, di rumah, atau bahkan di dalam mobil Anda.

2. Pahami Risiko Anda Ketika Bekerja di Industri dengan Bahaya Terpapar Bahan Kimia

Beberapa kasus kanker paru-paru diketahui berkaitan dengan paparan zat karsinogen di tempat kerja. Zat kimia berbahaya tersebut termasuk arsenik, asbes, nikel, radon, jelaga, dan polusi partikel seperti asap knalpot. Tergantung pada seberapa lama paparan industri dan jenis karsinogen yang ada, risiko seseorang terkena kanker paru-paru akan berbeda-beda.

Jika Anda bekerja di industri dengan paparan asap bahan kimia seperti galangan kapal, kereta api, pengecatan semprot, semikonduktor, dll., pastikan Anda dilengkapi dengan alat pelindung diri yang memadai dan pastikan melindungi tangan, kaki, dan wajah Anda dengan penutup saat bekerja. Selain itu, sebaiknya konsultasikan juga dengan dokter mengenai langkah-langkah untuk mencegah atau menurunkan risiko Anda terkena kanker paru-paru.

3. Obesitas

Obesitas dapat memicu terjadinya kanker paru-paru, dan sebenarnya semua jenis kanker, karena adanya lemak visceral (lemak yang terdapat pada perut) di tubuh Anda - lemak yang menyelimuti organ vital Anda, yang mana para ahli percaya bahwa hal ini disebabkan oleh peradangan. Sel lemak visceral yang besar dan berjumlah banyak ini membuat oksigen kesulitan mencapai seluruh bagian tubuh sehingga memicu peradangan.

Peradangan merupakan reaksi alami tubuh terhadap cedera dan penyakit. Contohnya, jika Anda mengalami luka sayatan yang dalam, area di sekitar luka tersebut akan membengkak dan terasa nyeri. Peradangan ringan ini membantu memperbaiki jaringan yang rusak dan mempercepat proses penyembuhan di sekitar luka. Namun, perlu diingat bahwa tidak semua peradangan itu baik.

Terutama peradangan jangka panjang yang ditimbulkan oleh lemak visceral yang tidak diinginkan dapat merusak tubuh Anda, sehingga dapat meningkatkan risiko kanker paru-paru atau kanker lainnya. Kanker muncul ketika sel-sel dalam tubuh membelah secara tidak terkendali, merusak sel-sel di sekitarnya dan menimbulkan penyakit. Semakin banyak sel yang bereplikasi dan membelah, semakin tinggi kemungkinan sesuatu yang tidak beres untuk terjadi, dan tumor pun akan terbentuk.

Melihat kembali faktor-faktor di atas, akan sangat penting bagi seseorang untuk menjalani dan menerapkan gaya hidup sehat karena obesitas meningkatkan risiko terhadap SEMUA JENIS kanker

4. Menerapkan Pola Hidup Sehat

Jika Anda ingin meningkatkan kesehatan paru-paru maupun tubuh secara keseluruhan, studi menunjukkan bahwa diet bergizi dan seimbang dapat membantu, sama seperti diet sehat untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh secara keseluruhan. Pastikan bahwa konsumsi buah dan sayur dalam kualitas dan kuantitas terbaik masuk dalam diet Anda. Kebiasaan ini dapat membantu menjaga sistem kekebalan tubuh tetap kuat.

Olahraga atau aktivitas fisik terbukti dapat mengurangi ketegangan, meningkatkan suasana hati, mengurangi rasa letih, dan secara umum dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup seseorang, terlebih bagi pasien kanker paru-paru dan kesehatan paru-paru secara umum. Bahkan, olahraga juga bermanfaat bagi siapa saja yang ingin meningkatkan gaya hidup mereka menjadi lebih baik.

Latihan ringan yang mengandalkan pernapasan dan keselarasan tubuh yang sempurna, seperti yoga dan tai-chi, dapat membantu melepaskan endorfin, yang dapat membantu menstabilkan suasana hati, meningkatkan kualitas tidur, dan mengurangi stres. Yoga, secara khusus, tidak hanya memperkuat sistem imun tubuh, tetapi juga membantu membangun fleksibilitas, mobilitas, dan kekuatan. Gerakan memutar dan duduk dalam yoga membantu detoksifikasi tubuh serta menyediakan teknik untuk melawan kecemasan dan stres.

Yoga juga dapat membantu mengatasi efek samping dari pengobatan kanker, seperti stres, kelelahan, dan konstipasi, karena membantu aliran oksigen dalam tubuh tetap lancar. Keuntungan lainnya adalah teknik pernapasan yoga dapat dilakukan di mana pun dan kapan pun. Anda bisa berlatih yoga sambil menjalani pengobatan, saat menunggu janji dokter, saat bekerja, atau di rumah. Manfaat dan tempat untuk berlatih yoga tidak terbatas.

Melalui yoga, Anda dapat merasakan peningkatan kesejahteraan karena fokus perhatian tertuju pada perpindahan dari satu pose ke pose lainnya yang memungkinkan Anda terhubung dengan aliran napas dan merasakan koneksi antara pikiran dan tubuh. Singkatnya, yoga adalah salah satu aktivitas fisik yang memberikan manfaat bagi tubuh dan pikiran.

5. Lakukan Skrining Paru-Paru

Periksa kesehatan paru-paru Anda, terutama jika Anda adalah perokok berat atau pernah merokok dan berhenti dalam 10 tahun terakhir, memiliki riwayat kanker paru-paru dalam keluarga, pernah menderita kanker paru-paru atau kanker lainnya, atau bekerja di industri dengan paparan asap bahan kimia.

Deteksi dini pada kanker paru-paru sangat penting karena semakin dini kanker ditemukan, semakin tinggi pula peluang kesembuhannya (hingga 80%). Deteksi dini memungkinkan pasien menjalani prosedur bedah toraks minimal invasif - yang berarti pemulihan lebih cepat & rawat inap lebih singkat.

Di ICTS, kami menyediakan layanan skrining dini pada kanker paru-paru dengan program Early CT-CDT Lung Screening. Program ini mencakup tes darah Early CDT Lung yang mana dapat mendeteksi zat autoantibodi yang terkait dengan kanker paru-paru serta CT Scan dosis rendah yang dipakai untuk menampilkan nodul paru-paru stadium awal dan mungkin terlalu kecil untuk dilihat dengan rontgen tradisional.

Pelajari lebih lanjut terkait Early CT-CDT Lung Screening di sini.


Walaupun penyakit ini dikenal dengan "penyakit perokok", faktanya banyak orang yang tidak sadar bahwa ada faktor risiko lain, seperti paparan zat berbahaya di tempat kerja hingga obesitas. Akibatnya, mereka seringkali lalai untuk melakukan pencegahan.

Tidak ada kata terlambat untuk memulai mengurangi faktor risiko dan menerapkan perubahan gaya hidup demi mencegah kanker paru-paru. Terlepas dari riwayat merokok, siapa pun juga bisa berupaya menurunkan risiko kanker paru-paru, tidak hanya bagi diri sendiri, tetapi juga untuk keluarga.

Some Common Diseases Associated With Lungs & Their Potential Treatments

Lungs are an important part of the human respiratory system which is a group of tissues and organs that work together to help us breathe. The whole respiratory system functions together to move fresh air inside and eliminate waste gases outside. Every time you breathe, this process is happening. Our lungs keep us breathing, and also all other organs functioning. That is why it’s essential to keep your lungs healthy.

Apart from this gas exchange, our respiratory system also performs other significant functions rather than breathing. These include:

Unfortunately, there are several risk factors both external as well as internal that contribute to health complications to our lungs. You must visit a lung surgeon Singapore to get your lungs checked to ensure your lungs are disease-free. Moreover, you can gain knowledge about the alarming signals indicating that there is something wrong with your lungs.

Unhealthy lungs could create a problem for an individual as it can be harder to get the proper oxygen that every cell needs in your body.  There are many such conditions in which your lungs don't work in the way they should mainly due to diseased conditions as a result of which you start experiencing breathing problems. Some such serious diseased conditions include:


Lung cancer occurs when there is an uncontrolled growth of cells forming tumours within the lungs. It is one of the deadliest types of cancer which starts from the lung tissues and then spreads to the entire organ.

Unfortunately, signs and symptoms are rarely visible in the early stages of the disease. It will start appearing only when the disease has progressed to its advanced stages. Signs and symptoms of lung cancer may include:

Cough that doesn’t go away

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you must seek advice from a lung surgeon Singapore immediately.  


There is a thin space between the lung and chest cavity which contains a fluid. This fluid acts as a lubricant between the lungs and the chest cavity during breathing. Pleural Effusion translates to the collection of fluid in the space between the lungs and a chest cavity that restricts lung expansion.

There are essentially three types of pleural effusion.

o   Heart Failure

o   Pulmonary embolism

o   Cirrhosis

o   Post open heart surgery

o   Pneumonia

o   Cancer

o   Pulmonary embolism

o   Kidney disease

o   Inflammatory disease

o   Tuberculosis

o   Autoimmune disease

o   Damage to the thoracic duct

o   Tumours that press against the thoracic duct

Symptoms of Pleural Diffusion are highly dependent on the rigorousness of the effusion. If there is a small effusion, it would go generally unobserved while a larger effusion may cause significant pain and discomfort. Some common symptoms are:

Video-assisted thoracic surgery is the best treatment for Pleural Diffusion. 2-3 keyhole incisions are made in the chest followed by the draining of fluid. There are a few lung specialists in Singapore who perform thoracic surgery to treat pleural diffusion.


Pneumothorax is the medical term used for a collapsed lung that causes air to find its way into the pleural space which is the space between the lungs and the chest cavity.

Traumatic Pneumothorax occurs as a result of a traumatic incident.

Spontaneous Pneumothorax is a common form of pneumothorax that happens without any cause.

Symptoms of Pneumothorax can vary from mild to life-threatening. Some common symptoms include:

Pneumothorax can be investigated through a chest X-ray, CT Scan, or Ultrasound. Though it can be treated through a conservative approach and Thoracostomy, but those with a severe condition, lung surgeon Singapore suggests Video-assisted thoracic surgery.


The Oesophagus is a long, muscular organ that is made up of multiple layers of muscles, connecting the mouth to the stomach and also pushing food into the stomach. Oesophageal Cancer occurs when the cells in your mouth multiply in an uncontrolled manner which later forms a tumour.

There are two main types of oesophageal cancer:

The exact cause of oesophageal cancer is unknown, but there are several risk factors like:

Common symptoms of oesophageal cancer:

A lung surgeon Singapore will conduct a series of physical tests coupled with different lab tests to diagnose the condition.


Thymoma and Thymic Carcinoma are two different types of cancers that are rare and develop in the cells in the outside surface of the thymus gland. The thymus gland functions until puberty then involutes and disappears. If it persists, it can develop a tumour called “Thymoma”.

90% of thymus cancers are Thymomas, while 10% of them can be Thymic Carcinoma, Lymphomas, or Carcinoid tumours. More than 25% of Thymoma & Thymic Carcinoma are asymptomatic. They are typically detected through:

The treatment of this cancer is generally based on the stage of the disease. Otherwise, some of the possible treatments include:

You should request an appointment with a lung specialist to make clear investigations in your case.


Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease that results in muscle weakness which gets worse with physical activity. It is commonly found in men above the age of 60 and women below the age of 30.

Patients with MG usually experience weakness of the eye muscles which may spread to other muscles in the body with time. The symptoms include:

Myasthenia Gravis gets severe within hours or days from the initial symptoms which tend to worsen with time. If left untreated, it can ultimately affect the ability of a person to swallow or breathe making it life-threatening.


Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare form of cancer that occurs because of asbestos exposure. It can occur in the thin layer of tissue lining the chest cavity and covering the lungs or in the peritoneum which lines the abdomen and the internal organs.

Asbestos is used in manufacturing units in which brake pads, vinyl tiles, roofing material, and some cement piping are made. Asbestos is also released during mining.

Just like other diseased conditions, symptoms of mesothelioma are rarely shown in the early stages. Some symptoms visible in late stages are:

Experts investigate this type of cancer through different methods like:

A multi-disciplinary approach needs to be followed by an experienced team to treat mesothelioma which usually consists of a combination of Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation that yields the best results.


Chest wall tumours are highly uncommon but when they do occur, they can cause a problem to diagnose and treat.  These can be categorised into two forms:

Finding the source of origin of the chest wall tumour can also be difficult to locate as there are so many muscles, bones, and tissues within the chest wall from where it could have originated. If there are abnormalities in the ribs, these can also manifest as chest wall tumours, painful fractures, or just a secondary finding.

The symptoms of chest wall tumours or rib abnormalities are as follows:

The possible treatments for chest wall tumours or rib abnormalities include Surgery For Rib Abnormalities, Rib Plates, and Surgery For Chest Wall Tumours.


These are a few lung-related diseases for which you might need to consult lung surgeon Singapore who offers a full range of thoracic services including surgery for the lungs, oesophagus, and chest wall. Choosing an experienced and qualified specialist who is trained to perform Robotic Thoracic Surgery with precision and control can prove beneficial.